Error: lvanlys.dll – Resource not found.

If you are using an AMD (inparticular AMD Ryzen) processor, you might encounter this issue during the startup of some of our software modules like, e.g., thaTEC:OS or the DataInspector.

With recent versions of thaTEC:Core, this issue is solved automatically after eventually (once) granting Admin rights after the startup of thaTEC:Core.

In order to solve this issue manually, you need to add a new environmental variable named “MKL_DEBUG_CPU_TYPE” with a value of “5”.

To do so, please follow this procedure:

  •  Press the windows key, type “environment“, and select “edit the system environment variables“.
  • In the System Properties window, click on the “Environment Variables” button.
  • In the upper “User Environment Variables” section, select “New“.
  • Insert “MKL_DEBUG_CPU_TYPE” in the field “Variable Name“.
  • Set “5” as “Variable Value“.
  • Apply the changes and reboot your PC.

If you still encounter this issue, please contact us under

Renaming/Duplicating modules in thaTEC:Core

When renaming or duplicating modules in thaTEC:Core, in some cases a warning or an error message will occur since renaming/duplicating this module might lead to malfunction in an automated measurement using thaTEC:OS.

Potential errors caused by renameing/duplicating:

When using the modules with thaTEC:OS, the names as displayed in the device tree at the left side of the user interface must be unique. Usually, this name corresponds to the folder name in the module folder since this ensures unique names as displayed below:

However, in older versions of some device modules or in the case of a self-programmed module, the module name might be hard-coded, leading to identical names of different modules when connected to thaTEC:OS and, hence, to malfunction.

Thus, when a warning message in thaTEC:Core appears, in particular when duplicating a module, it must be ensured that the module name on connecting to thaTEC:OS is also adjusted! In these cases, it is strongly recommended to open the module, connect it to thaTEC:OS and check if the name has been adjusted. If not, you might need to update to a later version of the device module or change your own sourcecode accordingly.

Problems with reading/writing files

1) Is your file path to long? (Path length is restricted to 260 characters by Windows)
=> Solution: Try to copy file to another location / change file path

2) Check file or folder names for special characters

 3) Accessing the data file with, e.g., the thaTEC:DataInspector during the measurement can cause issues due to the simultaneous file access.
=> Solution: Check your live data only via thaTEC:OS !

The min/max values in scan definition in thaTEC:OS are not correct

During the connection process of a driver module to thaTEC:OS, the min/max values for each control are obtained from the properties of the individual controls and transmitted to thaTEC:OS. If the min/max values in the scan definition are not correct, there are possible origins.

1) The min/max values of the control were changed during the program runtime after the connection to thaTEC:OS. In this case, the properties need to be re-sent using the Please see also the example in the programming template (current range control).

2) Check the representation of your control. For example, currently, single precision (SGL) values are not recognized, thus, please change the representation of the control to integer or double precision.

Connection error to thaTEC:OS

Device module cannot connect to thaTEC:OS

=> Solution: Check connection settings in thaTEC:OS and in the device module via the menu bar > Communiation > Settings. If thaTEC:OS and the device module are on the same PC use the same PC setting.

Missing data points

Accessing the data file with, e.g., the thaTEC:DataInspector during the measurement can cause issues due to the simultaneous file access.
=> Solution: Check your live data only via thaTEC:OS !

See also Problems with reading/writing files