If you purchase any of our software modules, you will receive a Sentinel Max HL USB dongle via mail. However, we always ship these dongles without any license information which will be provided via mail in form of a .V2C file. To activate or update your license, after the installation of thaTEC:Core, insert the dongle to the according PC, open thaTEC:Core and select Help => Check licenses via thaTEC:Core’s menu bar or visit http://localhost:1947 using your browser. On the browser page, select Update/Attach from the menu on the left:
Select the according .V2C file that you have received and press the Apply File button:
Now you should receive a message that informs you about the successful update of your license.
Important note: If you purchased more than one dongle from us, it is important that the dongle and the .V2C file matches! Any .V2C file will only work one specific dongle!